Forum: Gesundheit - Übergewicht ein Umweltproblem
Gerade lese ich im Insurance Journal (online) über eine Studie der Allstate Versicherung in den USA: Between 1960 and 2002, 1 billion gallons of gasoline a year could be attributed to the weight gain of the drivers and passengers of non-commercial vehicles, according to Allstate. The insurer observed that 39 million gallons of fuel are used per year for every extra pound added on for the average driver/passenger weight. And the average weight in the U.S. continues to grow, the company stated. Allstate observed there’s a complex struggle between fuel efficiency and vehicle weight. The insurer stated on its blog that federal regulators are requiring 54.5 MPGs (Anm: miles per gallon; 1 gallon = 3.7853 Liter) for cars and trucks by 2025. Mich würde doch mal interessieren, was 1 Kilo Übergewicht (über BMI 25) die in Summe kostet: Produktion und Transport zusätzlicher Nahrungsmittel, Transport des zusätzlichen Körpergewichts, Gesundheitskosten, Kleidung X...L, etc. Hat jemand von Euch Lesern eine Ahnung? Ökonomisch schlanke Grüsse, Ralf